
There are honestly some days that I wish I was home, other days I wish I was away. Thinking back on my spring break, I spent it at home. Bored out of my mind. Got no studying done. Not that I’m getting any done right now. It just pisses me off to see my father drinking his life away like he does. Everyday that I’ve been home over break he would come home sober, then drink the whole night away. After becoming immersed in the state of mind he’ll yell and scream at everything, even himself. But for this break, he mostly yelled at me because I was there. He might be a good guy when he’s sober, an asshole when he’s drunk, but he’s my father. So far he’s never gotten up and whacked me or anyone a shot in that state of mind, but I fear it’s going to happen one day.

Aside from being yelled at by my dad, I observed my brother. He turns 16 in April, so you know what that means–he gets his permit. I wonder if this is good or bad. In the video game world you see him get very angry, often violent when playing games like GTA four million. My parents notice this, and they are very wary of him driving. They made a joke about giving him my car (which I paid for, yes, sad, I know), and getting me a new one for shits and giggles. He stood up abruptly and said, “I hate American cars, I hate Jonathan’s Camaro. That think really sucks.” Seconds later he left the table, slammed the door to his room, and locked it.

I’m telling you, my parents are going to have to remove the lock on that door when they finish the house. Thinking about that some more. The house is said to be done in mid-May. Hopefully.

Apparently, my parents are still being sued by the dumbass framer.

I think that’s all. I really should be studying for the Mechanics exam that’s on Tuesday… doing work for Calc4, and Astrophysics… but oh well…

I bought MacGyver season 5 on DVD the other day… so you know what that means. I’ve made it through the first 3 disc’s and it seems that this season is populated with Asians. Lots of Asian females. Cute to boot.

PS. CyborgCompy <3

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