Back at school

As life continues it has been seen that we’ve wasted countless hours on this horrible Geochronology report. In my personal opinion it has to be the worst thing I’ve ever had to tackle. I might have been working with someone, but even she would agree with me on this. This is just distracting us from the other work that needs to be completed–Such as physics.

Upon returning to Rutgers I noticed we had physics webassign to complete. Not to mention the growing amount of physics problems to hand in during recitation tomorrow. Gah, I hate Mondays. They can kiss my ass. I still have to get the pre-lab for Physics done. I swear I have the right answers for it, but webassign for the pre-lab keeps marking it wrong. IT’S -9.889 & -.10102! I swear.

This had to be one of the worst spring breaks I’ve ever had. So much work, it just makes me want to crawl into a hole and not come out.

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