Sick in the Summer?

Today has been a weird day. I got up to the tune of people banging away (people working on the house for the sick-minded) at 6am. A little less than an hour later I began to pack up the last of my room in the attic. Called Quynh a dozen or so times because I was bored while working up in my room, but she wasn’t too much into talking to me. A few hours later the headache that has been plaguing me turned into a high fever. My top temperature for the day was 103 degrees. It’s settled down to 100 right now, but this headache is pretty much killing me. I can’t think straight enough to sit her for very long, nor can I move myself in the direction I wish. I’m a loser who just deserves to die.

Also, I think Quynh is mad at me for not asking her to marry me yet! I’m getting to it sweetie, I just need a few more dollars for the ring…. and not spend it on a new mid-tower, ram, eye-talk, and other things to make you smile 😉

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